
Where For Art Though Color Bug?

(original image from http://shesitspretty.tumblr.com/post/11497506970/day6)

I used to be completely addicted to coloring my hair. I got bored--I colored my hair. I saw an awesome hair color while passing through the store--I colored my hair. One of my friends asked if I would color their hair--I'd color a few strands of my hair as well. You get the point. About 3 years ago I decided I had not seen my actual hair color in so long that it was time to grow it out. Since then, I have had virgin hair. I knew my willpower would not last forever, as I have recently been getting the color itch again. And of course it's not just any color I want. I'd love something fun and exciting like some strands of purple or pink. I know I'd regret it after a few days, BUT I found a product that would be the solution to my dilemma: it's called the Color Bug by Kevin Murphy. It is a chalk-like pigment that you simply rub over strands of your hair. You can rock the color for one day and then wash it out. Sounds great, right?! The problem is I can't figure out where to purchase it. Where for art thou Color Bug!?!?!?!?!?!


  1. Kevin Murphy is a professional brand, so try asking salons?

  2. If you search it online it comes up with all different colors as for around here on their website is a distributers list and the closest one to here is (It says) in Santa Cruz.

  3. @Rela, thanks for the advice.
    @Countrycowgirl, I found a blog posting that suggested using regular art chalk pastels to temporarily color your hair. It totally worked! I already had chalk pastels and I used a blue color on a couple strands of my hair. I was thrilled and did not even have to keep searching for the Color Bug. Thanks for the suggestion though!
