
Fall Fringe

I loved my previous haircut but I was getting pretty tired of it. With winter right around the corner (if this weather ever actually gets cold), I decided it was time for a hair change. So... I got it all cut off. It is very short and so sassy. I love it! I can't wait to try all different kinds of hairstyles. Flat, funky, poofy. Great fun will ensue with this hair. Do you think I should get some red or auburn highlights???

Front View
Back view. Sorry, hard to take a pic of this myself.
Side view 1
Side view 2


  1. Omg you look so GREAT! Your hair, your makeup, it just works.

    Auburn or red... Hmmmm.... I guess it depends on what type of look you're going for. Auburn if you want to go for something more sexy/sultry, and red if you want to go for something playful/edgy. Of course, the terms "auburn" and "red" mean a LOT of different colors. Try looking up "red hair dye" on Google. You get like a trillion different colors.

    Leather jacket pictures to come :D) can't stop smiling. Taking pictures of yourself is HARD, isn't it??
